The Ten Commandments for Change
“The Agreement Frame” is made up of three phrases you can use in any communication to respect the person you disagree with, maintain rapport, share what you feel is accurate, and yet never resist their opinion in any way. Here are three phrases:
I appreciate and…
I respect, and…
I agree and…
Eight Ways to Deal with Problems
People always pay attention when you are...
Move from Ideas to Action - Harness Non-Conscious Brain Power
With our constant stream of emails, voicemails, meetings, conference calls, and so on, it is a minor miracle that any of us can accomplish anything. With our smartphones surgically implanted into our hands, our time is sliced so thinly that we never have the focused time to develop the big-picture perspective required for an action plan, let alone the time to execute it.
"Daily routines, superficial behaviors, poorly prioritized or unfocused tasks leech our capacities—making unproductive busyness perhaps the most critical behavioral problem” in business today, contend Heike Bruch and Sumantra Ghoshal in their book A Bias for Action.
For so many of us—whether CEOs for major corporations, small business owners or solo-entrepreneurs—there is a fundamental disconnection between knowing what needs to be done and doing it. Calling this disconnection the “knowing-doing gap,” Stanford University...
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the price of a bad hire is at least 30 percent of the employee's first-year earnings. For a small company, a five-figure investment in the wrong employee is a threat to the life of the business. In many ways, a bad hire's effect on company culture echoes beyond the employee's tenure. Poor performers lower the standards for other employees, and bad habits spread like wildfire. Unfortunately, bad hires are not always easy to spot. While we all may say that past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior, we don’t act as if we believe this when we are interviewing candidates—often because we aren’t confident how to ask questions that will tell us about past performance.
Most of us don't get enough sleep on Sunday night because we're anticipating Monday or our busy work week. If you're someone who doesn't get enough sleep on Sunday night, then I want to help you be more productive with less than eight hours of sleep.
Learn how to maximize the benefits of the sleep you do get.
Watch this short video to learn more.
The Highly Effective Executive: How To Reduce Conflict, Inspire Action, And Make A Difference In Your Organization, by Anutza Bellissimo, can make a thoughtful gift for the ambitious, business-oriented person in your life.
An Amazon #1 International Best Seller In Business Management.
Our #ELEVATE membership has its privileges!
One of our favorite ways to manage stress is the #FlotationTank - AKA "Floating." It's an enjoyable method to reset the nervous system, calm the mind and rejuvenate the body.
Some benefits of #FloatTherapy include:
*Physical Benefits: Increased blood circulation, increased healing abilities, pain management, increased immune system function and used in athletic training.
*Mental Benefits: Stress reduction, increased creativity, increased reaction time & sensory acuity, sleep schedule maintenance, and feelings of euphoria.
Join us every first Friday of the month for a therapeutic #Float. Space Is Limited To 5 Members. Our first meet-up begins January 6, 2017. For more information call (888) 241-1167.
Work stress can easily drive you to feel overwhelmed, anxious and scattered. The Inner Balance™ sensor for Android and iPhone trains you to shift and replace emotional stress with emotional balance and coherence.
Many clients complain of difficulty sleeping, feeling overwhelmed, and irritability with others prior to implementing our stress management training. After a short level one training course, on average, clients share they fall asleep thirty minutes faster, their stress management assessments scores rate significantly higher, and overwhelmingly claim feeling more fulfilled and satisfied in their relationships.
Everyone gets angry; it’s a normal emotion.
How you handle your anger can make all the difference to your heart. Letting your anger out explosively can be harmful because it triggers surges in stress hormones and injures blood vessel linings. When you have a destructive reaction to anger, you're more likely to have heart attacks.
Studies reveal a positive outlook reduces your heart attack risk by one-third and very optimistic people have lower risks of dying from heart disease.
Learning to communicate your anger assertively can help you feel happier and enjoy healthier relationships.
Developing your career strengths begins with assessing which skills are necessary for your desired professional development. Our career development programs are designed to help you improve your interactions with others in your workplace.
Your career success can depend on how well your team performs. Does your team work well together? Is your team willing and motivated to do their best? How are their problem-solving skills?
To develop your team leadership skills and unleash the talent of your individual team members, get started in one of our valuable workplace training programs.
Some of our course benefits include:
• Learning to recognize and tap into the characteristics of an efficient team.
• Understanding the key elements that move a team from involvement to empowerment.
• Improving your strategies for dealing with team conflict.
• Discovering how action planning and analysis tools can help your team produce first-class results.
Being emotionally fit means we’re able to adapt gracefully in the face of stressful circumstances.
When change affects our mood or how we view our personal and professional relationships, it's important to implement a simple emotional fitness routine.
Traditionally, a change was a short burst of disruption followed by a longer duration of stable circumstances or operations. Today, there are no rest periods; change is continuous.
Here's a simple emotional fitness exercise to help you thrive:
The next time you find yourself under stressful circumstances, remember your last/greatest success and think about it for sixty seconds.
Remembering to take in your successes as often as possible will help you reach another and another. It reminds you that if you've done it before, you can do it again, my friend.
Thank you for watching :).
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