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Career Development Training

career development Jan 26, 2017

Career Development Training

Developing your career strengths begins with assessing which skills are necessary for your desired professional development. Our career development programs are designed to help you improve your interactions with others in your workplace.

Your career success can depend on how well your team performs. Does your team work well together? Is your team willing and motivated to do their best? How are their problem-solving skills?

To develop your team leadership skills and unleash the talent of your individual team members, get started in one of our valuable workplace training programs.

Some of our course benefits include:
• Learning to recognize and tap into the characteristics of an efficient team.
• Understanding the key elements that move a team from involvement to empowerment.
• Improving your strategies for dealing with team conflict.
• Discovering how action planning and analysis tools can help your team produce first-class results.

The Stress & Anger Management Institute gives individuals the opportunity to develop the essential communication skills of listening, asking questions and being cognizant of nonverbal messages. Our courses also help those struggling to find a balance between being too aggressive and too passive while learning how to counter the manipulative tactics of challenging colleagues.

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