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Hiring Smart

The Art of Hiring Smart Behavioral & Performance-based Hiring For Employee Dependability

The True Cost Of A Bad Hire

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the price of a bad hire is at least 30 percent of the employee's first-year earnings. For a small company, a five-figure investment in the wrong employee is a threat to the life of the business. In many ways, a bad hire's effect on company culture echoes beyond the employee's tenure. Poor performers lower the standards for other employees, and bad habits spread like wildfire. Unfortunately, bad hires are not always easy to spot. While we all may say that past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior, we don’t act as if we believe this when we are interviewing candidates—often because we aren’t confident how to ask questions that will tell us about past performance.

The Hiring Smart Program Focus:

  • Pre-interview preparation
  • Develop better interviewing formats with values based questions
  • Role play and practice using behavioral interviewing skills
  • Interview techniques for specific, behavior-based examples of past performance
  • Training for creating competency requirements for any given position
  • Follow-through strategies designed to improve employee loyalty
  • Top 4 interviewer errors to avoid
  • Using performance-based assessments and other tests

We can minimize employee turnover by ensuring we hire the right person in the first place. Behavioral interviews are two to five times more accurate than traditional interviews. Our twelve-step process to hiring top performers can help you identify the principles of behavioral interviews and help you design job-specific performance optimization plans.

The Cost of Inadequate Hiring Habits

  • Lost productivity while the job is vacant
  • Recruiting costs, advertisements, information prepping, verification and copywriting, phone call handling, inquiries, and resumes, etc.
  • Screening costs
  • Interviewing costs
  • Testing costs
  • Evaluating costs
  • Job offer and negotiating costs
  • Training costs
  • The price of reduced efficiency
  • Additional employee-turnover costs   

...All of these are included in the total cost of replacing an employee.

"Seize a bad employee performance as a golden opportunity for improvement." ~ Transforming Toxic Leaders by Alan Goldman Ph.D.

 Conclusive research demonstrates managers with enhanced levels of self-awareness are better equipped to understand what a job entails and commit much fewer errors than those with limited self-awareness.

A central theme of our program is the idea that by knowing ourselves, we are better equipped to work with others. We can identify specific patterns in the actions of differing characters. These differences and unique trends with individual differences are the frameworks for interactions amongst individuals in the workplace. Our personality is a significant influence on our behavior and how others see us. Our nature can influence our leadership style, communication style, how we react to team/group settings, and the impact our judgment has on our ability to lead and motivate others.

When we understand how and why we are different, we can understand how and why others are different. We can see the value of skills others bring to the workplace and learn to appreciate them. Dealing with people as individuals is much more challenging than dealing with them as resources for achieving organizational goals. Organizations that attract and retain capable and motivated people succeed. This concept leads us to the importance of understanding typology to help managers learn how to motivate, lead, or direct their employees.

According to extensive research, typology can help you:

  • Understand yourself and your behaviors
  • Understand and adapt to different character styles
  • Communicate more effectively with employees and colleagues
  • Resolve conflicts and improve teamwork
  • Appreciate the value of individual differences
  • Assist in career choices and professional development

What are your next steps?

  1. Retain a Hiring Smart Consultant today
  2. Schedule a Hiring Smart Workshop

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