$392.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

All sales are final. I have read and agree to the terms of my SAMI Service Agreement sent to me by Anutza Bellissimo. I understand and agree to process a monthly payment of $392 for my anger management program through the Stress & Anger Management Institute's online training portal for weekly group classes. No Refunds Allowed. I agree to email any and all questions to [email protected] concerning my program.

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Anger Management Group

Anger Management - Weekly Training

Breaking the Anger Habit offers step-by-step anger management training. Gain the skills you need to manage anger--your anger or the outbursts of others.

This course is a live Zoom group class designed to help you improve your ability to enhance your anger-management skills. Training through this program provides opportunities to transform how you think, feel, or behave in adverse situations.

*** This course is offered in a small group setting via Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 PM (MST). The group meeting is approximately 60 minutes in length.***